Retail Pricing

Default retail
water pricing

To see measured, unmeasured and assessed water prices, please scroll down or select a water supplier from the list below.

Affinity Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company

* Waste water services are provided by Thames (Central Region), Anglian (Eastern Region) and Southern (Southeast Region)

Central Region

Measured Charges - Central Region

Measured Standing & Fixed Charges - Central Region
Charge type Meter size
12-15mm 19-21mm 25mm 38-40mm 50mm 65mm 75-80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm
Monthy Billed Customers Meter Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £83.16 £107.76 £113.16 £146.16 £177.60 £289.20 £353.16 £416.04 £467.16 £467.16
BI-annually Billed Customers Meter Standing Charge (£/p.a.)   £33.24  £43.08  £45.24  £146.16  £177.60  £289.20  £353.16  £416.04  £467.16  £467.16
Field supply standing Charge (£/p.a.) £33.24
Large user Fixed charge (over 50ml) (£/p.a.) £16,260.00
Standby charge (£/p.a.) £19,679.04
Measured  Volume Charges - Central Region
Charge type Monthly £/m3 Bi-annual £/m3
Standard Volume Charge (0-0.5ML) 1.1526 1.1526
Standard Volume Charge (0.5-3ML) 0.9613 0.9613
Mid User volumetric charge (3-5ML) 0.882 0.9613
Mid User volumetric charge (5-50ML) 0.882 0.9613
Large User Volumetirc Charge (>50ML) 0.5568 0.9613

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Charges - Central Region
Charge type £
RV Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £49.00
RV Charge Colne Area (£/£RV) 0.6065
RV Charge Lee Area (£/£RV) 0.758
RV Charge Rickmansworth Area (£/£RV) 0.5901
RV Charge North Surrey Area (£/£RV) 0.6244
Field Supply Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £33.30
Swimming pool, Sprinkler or Pond charge £85.30

Assessed Charges - Central Region

Assessed Charges - Central Region
Charge type Meter size
12-15mm 19-21mm 25mm 38-40mm 50mm
Meter Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £33.30 £43.20 £45.30 £146.16 £177.60
Emloyee based Volumetric Charge 0-0.5MI (£/m3) 1.1526
Emloyee based Volumetric Charge >0.5MI (£/m3) 0.9613
Occuancy based charge for 1 occupier 102.1
Occuancy based charge for 2 occupier 157.6
Occuancy based charge for 3 occupier 217.6
Occuancy based charge for 4 or more occupiers 277.7

Eastern Region

Measured Charges - Eastern Region

Measured Standing & Fixed Charges - Eastern  Region
Charge type Meter size
12-15mm 20mm 25mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm
Monthy Billed Customers Meter Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £83.16 £107.76 £113.16 £177.60 £353.16 £416.04 £467.16
Bi-annually Billed Customers Meter Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £33.24 £43.08 £45.24 £177.60 £353.16    
Large user standing charge (25 - 50ml) (£/p.a.) £8,214.96
Large user standing charge (50 - 100ml) (£/p.a.) £17,820.00
Large user fixed charge (over 100ml) (£/p.a.) £30,530.04
Measured  Volume Charges - Eastern  Region
Charge type Monthly £/m3 Bi-annual £/m3
Standard Volume Charge (0-0.5MI) 1.9389 1.9389
Standard Volume Charge (0.5-3MI) 1.6306 1.6306
Mid User volumetric charge (3-5Ml) 1.608  
Mid User volumetric charge (5-25Ml) 1.429  
Mid User volumetric charge (25-50Ml) 1.1004  
Large User Volumetirc Charge (50-100Ml) 0.9083  
Large User Volumetirc Charge  (>100Ml) 0.7812  

Unmeasured Charges - Eastern Region

Assessed Charges - Eastern Region
Charge type £
Yearly billed customers RV standing charge (£/p.a.) £49.00
RV Charge  - Tendering Hundred Area (£/£RV) 1.1409
Hosepipe charge (£/p.a.) n/a
Swimmingpool, Sprinkler or Pond charge £85.30

Assessed Charges - Eastern Region

Assessed Charges - Eastern Region
Charge type £
Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £33.30
Employee based volume charge 0-0.5MI (£/m3) £1.94
Employee based volume charge +0.5MI (£/m3) £1.63
Occuancy based charge for 1 occupier (£/p.a.) £107.00

Southeast Region

Measured Charges - Southeast Region

Measured Standing & Fixed Charges - Southeast  Region
Charge type Meter size
12-15mm 20mm 25mm 40mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm
Monthly Billed Measured Standing & Fixed Charges - Southeast  Region


£107.76 £113.16 £146.16 £177.60 £353.16 £416.04  
Bi-annual Billed  Measured Standing & Fixed Charges - Southeast  Region £33.24 £43.08 £45.24 £146.16 £177.60 £353.16 £416.04 £467.16
Field supply standing Charge (£/p.a.) £31.08
Measured  Volume Charges -  Southeast  Region
Charge type Monthly £/m3 Bi-annual £/m3
Standard Volume Charge (0-0.5MI) 2.0557 2.0557
Standard Volume Charge (0.5-3MI) 1.7342 1.7342
Mid User volumetric charge (3-5ML) 1.5996  
Mid User volumetric charge (5-50ML) 1.5966  
Large User Volumetirc Charge (>50ML) 1.1498  

Unmeasured Charges - Southeast Region

Unmeasured Charges - Southeast Region
Charge type £
RV Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £49.00
RV Charge - Folkstone & Dover area (£/£RV) 1.9815
Swimmingpool, Sprinkler or Pond charge £85.30

Assessed Charges - Southeast Region

Assessed Charges - Southeast Region
Charge type £
Standing Charge (£/p.a.)  
Employee based volume charge 0-0.5MI (£/m3)  
Employee based volume charge +0.5MI (£/m3)  
Occupacy charge based on 1 occupier (£/p.a.)  
Occupacy charge based on 3 occupiers (£/p.a.)  
Occupacy charge based on 4 occupiers (£/p.a.)  

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges - Hartlepool Area

* Waste Water services provided by Northumbrian Water Ltd

Measured Charges

Measured Charges
Tariff (potable water) Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) Volumetric Charge (£/m3) Maximum Daily Demand Charge (£/m3)
Streamline HTL £52.30 0.9698 n/a
Profile HTL £3,810.00 0.3357 £74.00

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Rateable Value (£) RV Charge (£/£RV) Fixed Charge (£/p.a)
Potable Water  n/a £135.25
Assessed Water Charges
Assessed Streamline 0.9698 £52.30

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges - Finningley Area

* Water services provided by Yorkshire Water Services Ltd

Measured Charges

Measured Charges
Service Fixed Charge (£/p.a) Volumetric Charge (£/m3)
Streamline Fin Foul Water  £54.50 0.9878
Streamline Fin Highway Drainage £23.25 n/a

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Waste Charges
Service Fixed Charge (£/p.a) RV Charge (£/£RV)
Foul Water     
Highway Drainage    

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges - Northstowe Area

* Water services provided by Anglian Water Ltd (Anglian Area)
* Waste Water services provided by Anglian Water Ltd (Anglian Area)

Anglian Water Wholesale Primary Charges - Woods Meadow Area

* Water services provided by Anglian Water Ltd (Anglian Area)
* Waste Water services provided by Anglian Water Ltd (Anglian Area)

Measured Water
Meter Size Fixed charge (£/p.a.)
0-24 £46.90
25-34 £60.30
35-39 £75.30
40-49 £92.30
50-64 £190.30
65+ £517.30
Measured Water
Meter Size Volumetric charge (£/p.a.) Site charge (£/p.a.)
Streamline 1.4362 £0.00
Profile 20 1.3161 £2,851.80
Profile 50 1.2047 £12,716.00
Profile 175 1.0887 £37,993.80

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges - Wynward Area

* Water services provided by Anglian Water Ltd (Hartlepool Area)
* Waste Water services provided by Northumbrian Water Ltd

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges - Special Agreements

Humberside Special Industrial Scheme
  Reservation charge (£/p.a.) Volumetric Charge (£/p.a.)
ANHPOT1 £155,111.00 36.45p
ANHPOT2 £58,385.00 36.45p
ANHPOT3 £186,745.00 36.45p
Reverse Osmosis (RO)
  Fixed charge (£/p.a.) Volumetric Charge (£/p.a.)
ANHPOT1 £44,814.00 113.99p

Anglian Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges - Anglian Area

Measured Water Charges
Tariff (potable water) Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) Volumetric Charge (£/m3) Maximum Daily Demand Charge (£/m3)
Streamline Green 47.5 1.3948 n/a
Streamline Orange 131.75 1.2873 n/a
Streamline Blue 668 1.2175 n/a
Profile 1249.5 0.8846 £72.00
Profile Plus 2624 0.5761 £130.00
Profile Interruptible 6930 0.4756 £136.00
Tariff (Non potable water) Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) Volumetric Charge (£/m3) Maximum Daily Demand Charge (£/m3)
Streamline Orange 125 1.104 n/a
Streamline Blue 553 1.086 n/a
Profile 1240 0.7931 £65.00
Profile Plus 2150 0.5547 £117.00
Profile Industrial 208700 0.3062 £117.00
Measured Waste Charges
Tariff Foul Water Charge (£/m3) Foul Water Fixed Charge (£/p.a) Surface Water Charge (£/p.a.)
Streamline Green 1.5877 £54.50 £32.25
Streamline Orange 1.5687 £160.50 £48.25
Streamline Blue 1.5468 £332.72 £120.25
Profile plus 1.5266 £3,654.50 £1,207.25

Unmeasured Charges - Anglian Area

Unmeasured Water Charges
Rateable Value (£) RV Charge (£/£RV) Fixed Charge (£/p.a)
Potable Water - Up to £1,000 RV 0.147 £242.00
Potable Water - £1,0001 - £5,000 RV 0.147 £466.00
Potable Water > £5,000 RV 0.147 £1,140.00
Zero or no RV n/a  
Unmeasured Waste Charges
RV £ Foul Water RV Charge (£/£RV) Foul Water Fixed Charge (£/p.a) Surface Water Charge (£/p.a.)
RV up to £1,000 (inclusive) 0.1551 £210.75 £32.25
RV from  £1,001 - £5,000  0.1523 £391.50 £32.25
RV above £5,000 0.1499 £977.00 £32.25
Zero or no RV n/a   £32.25

Assessed Charges - Anglian Area

Assessed Charges
RV £ Volr Charges Fixed Charges Surface Water Charge (£/p.a.)
Water Assessed Green 1.3948 £47.50  
Assessed Water Charges
Waste Assessed Green 1.6727 £57.00 £36.00

Trade Effluent Charges - Anglian Area

Trade Effluent Charges
Component Streamline Green Streamline Orange Streamline Blue
Reception (R)      £/m3 0.2474 0.2437 0.2377
Volumetric (V)    £/m3 0.4923 0.4773 0.4574
Biological (B)       £/m3 0.4583 0.4327 0.4128
Sludge (S)             £/m3 0.2883 0.2745 0.2623
Fixed charge (£/p.a.) £110.00 £154.00 £455.75
Unmeasured Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £303.55
Regional Average Strength (Os) 584 mg/l
Regional Average Strength (Ss) 399 mg/l

Bournemouth Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Wessex Water & Southern Water

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges
Consumption m3 p.a. Water standing charge £/pa Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 - 500  34.3 1.1017
>500 - 750 £37.82 £1.11
>750 - 2000 £37.82 £1.13
>2000 - 4000 £37.82 £1.14
>4000 - 10000 £94.82 £1.14
>10000 - 50000 £963.21 £1.08
>50000 £12,988.32 £0.81

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Charges
Standing Charge £26.44
Rateable value charge per £ of RV £0.54
Unmetered swimming pools £57.42
Places of worship £78.90
Cattle troughs £67.61

Assessed Charges

Assessed Charges
Band 1 20m3 pa per employee
Band 2 50m3 pa per employee
Band 3  100m3 pa per employee
Band 4  200m3 pa per employee
Band 5  By inspection 
Per Cubic meter 1.0883
Standing Charge  26.44

Examples of business types in for each band:
Band 1 Retail, accountants, legal services, doctors.
Band 2 Dentists, hairdressers, schools.
Band 3 Hotels, nightclubs, licensed bars, restaurants, cafes.
Band 4 Public houses, sport and recreation facilities, photographic processing.
Band 5 Laundries, concrete production, brewing.

Bristol Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Wessex Water

Band Forecast annual usage (m3) Fixed annual charges (£) Volume Charges (£/m3)
A over 250,000m3 £25,275.00 0.9812
B to 250,000m3 £10,057.00 1.043
C to 100,000m3 £4,317.00 1.1023
D to 50,000m3 £1,956.00 1.1605
E to 15,000m3 £40.00 1.3098
F to 5,000m3 £12.00 1.3287
G Under 1,000m3 £33.15 1.3188
U Unmeasured £19.68 1.0949

Default Assessed Charges:

Where the customer is not used as part of a production process a banded charge will be levied. Bands will consist of upto 5 employees.

The first band will be charged at £55.57, subsequent bands are charged at £39.94. In addition a standing charge of £39.50 will be made.

Cambridge Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges 0 - 499 m3 / annum
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £50.80 £0.89
50 £72.62 £0.89
80 £170.37 £0.89
100 £180.45 £0.89
>100 £213.84 £0.89
Measured Water Charges 500 - 5000 m3 / annum
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £35.00 £0.91
50 £56.82 £0.91
80 £154.57 £0.91
100 £164.65 £0.91
>100 £198.04 £0.91
Measured Water Charges >5000 - 50000 m3 / annum
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £85.00 £0.92
50 £106.82 £0.92
80 £204.57 £0.92
100 £214.65 £0.92
>100 £248.04 £0.92
Measured Water Charges 50000+ m3 / annum
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £85.00 £0.90
50 £106.82 £0.90
80 £204.57 £0.90
100 £214.65 £0.90
>100 £248.04 £0.90
Measured Water Charges LARGE USER 150000+ m3 / annum
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
99 £204.57 £0.71
>99 £248.04 £0.71
Measured Water Charges GARDEN TAPS
Max meter size mm Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £50.80 £0.89
15 £56.27 £0.89
20 £61.62 £0.89
>20 £67.15 £0.89

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges per annum
  Water standing charge (£/pa) Variable Charge £ / RV Price per Room
CAM Business Rateable Value      
CAM Standard Unmeasured Water  £50.84 £0.05  
Premises with zero RV £50.79 £0.00  
Student Room £52.95   £95.00

Hafren Dyfrdwy Wholesale Primary Charges

* Dee Valley was water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Welsh Water, Severn Trent & United Utilities

Formally Dee Valley

Measured Charges - Formally Dee Valley

Measured Charges - Water Volumetric Charge Intermediate User 10,000-49,999L Large User 50,000L+
Charge Type 0-4,999L 5,000-9,999l 0-49,999L From 1st to 30th April From 1st May to 30th September From 1st October to 31st March From 1st to 30th April From 1st May to 30th September From 1st October to 31st March
Charging Zone A £1.45 £1.45 n/a £0.84 £1.51 £0.84 £0.54 £1.01 £0.54
Charging Zone B     £1.16 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Charging Zone B and C (non potable)     £0.75 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Charging Zone C     £1.07 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
Charging Zone D £1.45 £1.45 n/a £0.84 £1.511 £0.84 £0.54 £1.01 £0.54
Measured Charges - Water Standing Charge
Charge Type 15mm 22mm 30mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm
Charging Zone A £7.86 £7.86 £14.72 £38.23 £69.91 £79.66 £180.60 £228.50 £276.53 £316.83
Charging Zone D £7.86 £7.86 £14.72 £38.23 £69.91 £79.66 £180.60 £228.50 £276.53 £316.83
Charge Type 15mm 22mm 28mm 42mm 54mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm+ 300m
Charging Zone B&C Potable <50ML £38.09 £38.09 £80.28 £154.86 £316.07 £372.01 £486.05 £658.30 £783.45
Charging Zone B&C Potable 50ML-250ML £219.59 £219.59 £258.09 £332.67 £1,117.66 £1,173.60 £1,287.64 £1,459.89 £1,585.09
Charging Zone B&C NonPotable <50ML £22.42 £22.42 £65.24 £217.17 £327.11 £441.15 £613.40
Charging Zone B&C NonPotable 50ML-250ML £64.44 £64.44 £107.26 £526.91 £582.85 £696.89 £869.14
Measured Charges - Fixed Charges
Charge Type Water Supply Used Water
Charging Zone A & D 0-4,999L £43.39 £28.37
Charging Zone A & D 5000-9,999L £43.45 £36.53
Charging Zone A & D 10,000-49,999L £348.22 £624.07
Charging Zone A & D 50,000-249,999L £396.33 £669.16
Charging Zone A & D 250+ML+ £396.33 £915.12
Charging Zone A & D Intermediate User Site Charge £3,126.61  
Charging Zone A & D Large User Site Charge £21,970.05  
Measured Charges - Waste Water Volumetric Charges
Charge Type Vol discharged directly into public sewer Volume of water provided
0-4,999L 5,000-9,999l 50,000-249,999L 250,000L+
Charging Zone A & D First 9,999L £0.96 £0.97 £0.94 £0.94
Charging Zone A & D 10,000-49,999L £0.96 £0.96 £0.94 £0.93
Charging Zone A & D 50,000-249,999L £0.92 £0.93 £0.91 £0.90
Charging Zone A & D 250,000L+ £0.88 £0.89 £0.87 £0.87
Charging Zone A & D directly to sewage treatment works £0.73 £0.73 £0.73 £0.73
Measured Charges: Surface Water RV Charge
Charge type £/£RV
Charging Zone A £0.28
Charging Zone D £0.22
Measured Charges - Surface Water Site Area Charge
Charge Type Band Chargeable Area in m2 Charge £/year
Charging Zone A & D 1 up to 20 £14.25
Charging Zone A & D 2 21-99 £56.97
Charging Zone A & D 3 100-199 £108.88
Charging Zone A & D 4 200-299 £176.56
Charging Zone A & D 5 300-499 £276.07
Charging Zone A & D 6 500-749 £428.06
Charging Zone A & D 7 750-999 £592.76
Charging Zone A & D 8 1,000-1,499 £841.41
Charging Zone A & D 9 1,500-1,999 £1,171.72
Charging Zone A & D 10 2,000-3,999 £1,994.38
Charging Zone A & D 11 4,000-7,499 £3,801.39
Charging Zone A & D 12 7,500,9,999 £5,772.59
Charging Zone A & D 13 10,000-14,999 £8,235.55
Charging Zone A & D 14 15,000-19,999 £11,519.04
Charging Zone A & D 15 20,000-24,999 £14,802.42
Charging Zone A & D 16 25,000-29,999 £18,085.89
Charging Zone A & D 17 30,000-34,999 £21,369.16
Charging Zone A & D 18 35,000-39.999 £24,654.59
Charging Zone A & D 19 40,000-44,999 £27,940.01
Charging Zone A & D 20 45,000-49,999 £31,225.62
Charging Zone A & D 21 50,000-99,999 £49,270.05
Charging Zone A & D 22 100,000+ £114,910.41
Charging Zone A & D T Transition to site area £216.82
Measured Charges - Standby Tariffs Capacity
Charge Type   Fixed Charge £per year Rate per meter of water
From 1st to 30th April From 1st May to 30th September
Charging Zone A & D 0-4,999L n/a £0.54 £0.54
Charging Zone A & D 5,000-9,999L n/a £0.54 £0.54
Charging Zone A & D 10,000-49,999L £1,979.36 £0.42 £0.42
Charging Zone A & D 50,000+L £13,527.51 £0.27 £0.27
Charging Zone A & D Where notified volume is zero
Charging Zone A & D 0-4,999L   £1.08 £1.08
Charging Zone A & D 5,000-9,999L   £1.08 £1.08
Charging Zone A & D 10,000-49,999L   £1.06 £1.06
Charging Zone A & D 50,000+L   £0.97 £0.97
Measured Charges - Standby Tariffs Volume
Charge Type   Fixed Charge £per year Rate per meter of water
Charging Zone A & D 0-4,999L £0.00 £0.54
Charging Zone A & D 5,000-9,999L £0.00 £0.54
Charging Zone A & D 10,000-49,999L £1,145.24 £0.42
Charging Zone A & D 50,000+L £8,450.34 £0.27

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Charges - RV based charge (£/£RV)
Charge Type Water Supply Used & Surface Water Used Only
Charging Zone A £0.98 £0.15 £0.86
Charging Zone B £0.70 n/a n/a
Charging Zone C £0.66 n/a n/a
Charging Zone D £0.88 £0.97 £0.74

* Subject to a maximum charge of £114,910.41

Unmeasured Charges - Fixed Charges
Charge Type Water Supply Used Water Surface Water
Charging Zone A £18.95 £20.44 £20.44
Charging Zone B £94.18 n/a n/a
Charging Zone C £54.62 n/a n/a
Charging Zone D £18.95 £20.44 £20.44
Other Charges £
Cattle Trough £135.48

Assessed Charges

Unmeasured Charges - RV based charge (£/£RV)
Charge Type Band A Band B Band C
Water Supply Volumetric £1.45 £1.16 £1.07
Waste Supply Volumetric £0.96 n/a n/a
Water Supply Fixed £18.95 n/a n/a
Waste Supply Fixed £20.44 n/a n/a

Trade Effluent

Trade Effluent 0 - 4,999L
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per kg
R (Reception & Conveyance in the public foul water vsewer Up to 9,999L £0.23  
10,000-49,999L £0.22  
50,000-249,999L £0.19  
250,000L+ £0.15  
V(Volumetric Treatment)   £0.22  
B(Biological Treatment)     £0.36
S(Sludge)     £0.49
Discharge to public sewer under consent £0.12  
Fixed Charge £88.72    
Trade Effluent 5,000 - 9,999L
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per kg
R (Reception & Conveyance in the public foul water vsewer Up to 9,999L £0.23  
10,000-49,999L £0.23  
50,000-249,999L £0.19  
250,000L+ £0.15  
V(Volumetric Treatment)   £0.22  
B(Biological Treatment)     £0.36
S(Sludge)     £0.49
Discharge to public sewer under consent £0.12  
Fixed Charge £104.11    
Trade Effluent 10,000 - 49,999L
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per kg
R (Reception & Conveyance in the public foul water vsewer Up to 9,999L £0.23  
10,000-49,999L £0.23  
50,000-249,999L £0.19  
250,000L+ £0.15  
V(Volumetric Treatment)   £0.22  
B(Biological Treatment)     £0.36
S(Sludge)     £0.49
Discharge to public sewer under consent £0.12  
Fixed Charge £104.11    
Trade Effluent 50,000 - 249,999L
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per kg
R (Reception & Conveyance in the public foul water vsewer Up to 9,999L £0.23  
10,000-49,999L £0.22  
50,000-249,999L £0.19  
250,000L+ £0.15  
V(Volumetric Treatment)   £0.21  
B(Biological Treatment)     £0.36
S(Sludge)     £0.48
Discharge to public sewer under consent £0.12  
Fixed Charge £690.33    
Trade Effluent 250,000 L+
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per kg
R (Reception & Conveyance in the public foul water vsewer Up to 9,999L £0.23  
10,000-49,999L £0.22  
50,000-249,999L £0.19  
250,000L+ £0.15  
V(Volumetric Treatment)   £0.21  
B(Biological Treatment)     £0.36
S(Sludge)     £0.48
Discharge to public sewer under consent £0.12  
Fixed Charge £960.47    
Assessed Trade Effluent Up to 9,999L 10,000-49,999L 250,000L+
Charging Element Volume Discharged £ per m3 £ per m3 £ per m3
Car Wash Zone A and Zone D £0.49 £0.50 £0.49
Laundrette Zone A and Zone D £0.76 £0.77 £0.76
Surface Water Zone A and Zone D      
Swimming Pool Backwash Zone A and Zone D £0.45 £0.45 £0.45
Pain Stripping Zone A and Zone D £0.67 £0.67 £0.67
Gas Holder Seal Water Zone A and Zone D £0.48 £0.49 £0.48

Northumbrian Water Retail Primary Charges

NWG - Northumbrian Region

Measured Charges - Northumbrian Water Region

Measured Water Meter fixed Charge (£/p.a.) Measured non-potable water
Meter Size (mm) Tariff - one of these will apply Teesside Industrial Water system 
Standard Focus 20 Focus Extra
0-24mm £51.90 £51.90 £51.90 £51.90
25-34mm £65.30 £65.30 £65.30 £65.30
35-39mm £80.30 £80.30 £80.30 £80.30
40-49mm £97.30 £97.30 £97.30 £97.30
50-64mm £195.30 £195.30 £195.30 £195.30
65mm + £522.30 £522.30 £522.30 £522.30
Discounts for payments made by DD -£3.75 -£3.75 -£3.75 -£3.75
PLUS Site charge per year (£/p.a.)
0 £2,567.36 £11,823.16 £18,519.18
PLUS Volume Charge (£/m3)
1.1301 1.0512 0.9519 0.2662
Measured Wastewater Charges 
Charges Tariff - one of these will apply
Standard Large User
Site Charge (£/p.a.) 0 £1,833.80
Volume Charge (£/m3) 1.0874 1.0188


Surface Water Drainage by Band (£/p.a.)
Band (m2) Highway Drainage Part (£/p.a.) Surface Water  Drainage Part (£/p.a.)
Band 1 - to 350 m2 £26.75 £75.60
Band 2 - 351 to 750 m2 £84.00 £234.75
Band 3 - 751 to 1,500 m2 £168.30 £485.35
Band 4 - 1,501 to 2,500 m2 £305.70 £863.50
Band 5 - 2,501 to 5,000 m2 £569.45 £1,615.40
Band 6 - 5,000 to 7,500 m2 £947.80 £2,682.00
Band 7 - 7,501 to 10,000 m2 £1,329.80 £3,752.200
Band 8 - 10,000 to 15,000 m2 £1,891.55 £5,343.85
Band 9 - 15,001 to 25,000 m2 £3,011.20 £8,506.95
Band 10 - 25,001 to 50,000 m2 £5,583.05 £15,776.65
Band 11 - 50,001 to 75,000 m2 £9,152.35 £25,867.40
Band 12 - 75,001 to 100,000 m2 £12,606.85 £35,631.25
Band 13 - 100,001 to 125,000 m2 £15,939.15 £45,045.6
Band 14 - 125,001 to 150,000 m2 £19,046.1 £53,831.15
Band 15 - Over 150,000 m2 £23,608.8 £66,719.15

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Charges (£/p.a.) Assessed Tariff - Band 1 Assessed Tariff - Band 2 Assessed Tariff - Band 3
Standing/Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £84.42 £212.85 £587.07
Variable £/£RV £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Unmeasured Wastewater Charges
Charges (£/p.a.) Assessed Tariff - Band 1 Assessed Tariff - Band 2 Assessed Tariff - Band 3
Foul Drainage (£/p.a.) £95.17 £225.47 £604.38
Highway Drainage (£/p.a.) As per band charges on measured table
Surface Drainage (£/p.a.) As per band charges on measured table

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent Charges
Standard components All Volumes
R = Reception & Conveyance (£/m3) 0.4196
V = Primary Treatment (p/m3) 0.2192
Bv = Additional Vol chg for biological treatment (p/m3) 0.1333
B = Biological oxidation of settled sewerage (p/m3) 0.1626
S = Treatment and disposal of primary sewage sludge (p/m3) 0.1247
B = Regional Avergae B strength 295mg/l
S = Regional Avergae S strength 140mg/l
Minimum Charge (£/p.a.) £531.05

NWG - Essex & Suffolk Region

Measured Charges - Essex and Suffolk Water Region

Measured Water Meter fixed Charge (£/p.a.)
Meter Size (mm) Tariff - one of these will apply
Standard Focus 20 Focus Extra
0-24mm £46.90 £46.90 £46.90
25-34mm £60.30 £60.30 £60.30
35-39mm £75.30 £75.30 £75.30
40-49mm £92.30 £92.30 £92.30
50-64mm £190.30 £190.30 £190.30
65mm + £517.30 £517.30 £517.30
Discount for DD payments -£3.75 -£3.75 -£3.75
PLUS Site charge per year (£/p.a.)    
0 £2,851.80 £12,716.00
PLUS Volume Charge (£/m3)    
1.4362 1.3161 1.2047

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Charges (£/p.a.) Assessed Tariff - Band 1 Assessed Tariff - Band 2 Assessed Tariff - Band 3
Standing/Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £99.68 £258.37 £725.63
Variable £/£RV £-   £-   £-  

Wholesale Waste Water
- The Essex and Suffolk Water region is serviced by 2 different waste water wholesalers;
- For those customers in the North Waste Water Region of the Essex & Suffolk Water Region please see Anglian waste water charges.
- For those customers in the South Waste Water Region of the Essex & Suffolk Water Region please see Thames waste water charges.

Portsmouth Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Southern and Thames

Measured Charges

Measured Water Volume & Site Charges
Charge Type Volume Charge
01 Jul 19 - 30 Jun 20
Volume Charge
01 Jul 20 - 30 Jun 21
Volume Charge (£/m3) 0.744 0.729
Measured Water Fixed Charges (Less than 10,000m3 per Year)
Meter Size (mm) Charges (£p.a.)
01 Jul 19 - 30 Jun 20
Charges (£p.a.)
01 Jul 20 - 30 Jun 21
15 £28.63 £25.81
20 £33.00 £29.69
25 £92.55 £79.32
40 £177.51 £154.86
50 £220.25 £192.86
80 £315.78 £277.79
100 £770.48 £682.10
150 £1,691.36 £1,500.83
200 £2,808.10 £1,500.83
300 £6,686.81 £1,500.83

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Charge Type Charges
01 Jul 19 - 30 Jun 20
01 Jul 20 - 30 Jun 21
Standing Charge (£/p.a.) 25.1 £25.08
Rateable Value Charge (£/£RV) 0.4161 0.3721
Licence Charge (£/p.a.) 116.85 £106.93
Minimum Charge (£/p.a.) 81.27 £93.67

Scottish Water Retail Primary Charges

Potable Water

Potable Water Fixed Charge for metered supplies
Meter Size (mm) Fixed Charge (per year)
20 mm or Smaller £142.91
25-30 mm £425.00
40 mm  £1,203.00
50-63 mm £2,673.00
80 mm £6,971.00
100 mm £16,839.00
150 mm £47,381.00
200 mm £103,266.00
250 mm £187,095.00
300 mm £302,478.00
Potable Water Volumetric Charges for metered supplies - For meters up to and including 20mm
Consumption Charge per m3
0 - 25 m3 £2.14
26 - 100,000 m3 £0.80
100,001 - 250,000 m3 £0.69
250,001 - 1,000,000 m3 £0.66
Over 1,000,000m3 £0.49
Potable Water Volumetric Charges for metered supplies - For meters greater than 20mm
Consumption Charge per m3
0 - 100,000 m3 £0.80
100,001 - 250,000 m3 £0.69
250,001 - 1,000,000 m3 £0.66
Over 1,000,000m3 £0.49
Un-Metered Water (Transitional and non- Transitional Customers)
  Fixed Charge Charge per £ of RV (not applicable if property is vacant)
Unmetered Potable water for current RV for transitional customers £157.96 £0.03
Unmetered Potable water for Live RV for transitional customers £167.63 £0.02
Unmetered Potable water for Live RV for non-transitional customers £164.34 £0.02

Waste Water

Potable Water Fixed Charge for metered supplies
Meter Size, mm Fixed Charge (per year)
20 mm or Smaller £138.02
25-30 mm £445.00
40 mm  £1,261.00
50-63 mm £2,803.00
80 mm £7,062.00
100 mm £17,196.00
150 mm £41,195.00
Potable Water Volumetric Charges for metered supplies - For meters up to and including 20mm
Consumption Charge per m3
0 - 23.75 m3 £2.40
Over 23.75 m3 £1.44
Potable Water Volumetric Charges for metered supplies - For meters greater than20mm
Consumption Charge per m3
>= 0m3 £1.44
Un-Metered Waste Water (Transitional and non- Transitional Customers)
  Fixed Charge Charge per £ of RV (not applicable if property is vacant) 
Volumetric waste water charges for metered supplies £178.38 £0.05
Un-metered waste water for live RV for transitional customers £189.30 £0.04
Un-metered waste water for live RV for non-transitional customers £185.59 £0.04
Drainage - Property Drainage
Types Units Rates
Property drainage for current RV for transitional customers
If any property drainage goes to the public sewerage system  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.03
Properties where area-based property drainage charges applied in 2005/06  (£/m2 £0.41
Property drainage for Live RV for transitional customers
If any property drainage goes to the public sewerage system  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.02
Properties where area-based property drainage charges applied in 2005/06  (£/m2 £0.41
Property drainage for Live RV for non-transitional customers
If any property drainage goes to the public sewerage system.  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.02
Properties where area-based property drainage charges applied in 2005/06   (£/m2 £0.41
Drainage - Roads Drainage
Types Units Rates
Property drainage for current RV for transitional customers
If property has any connection to the public sewerage system.  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.02
Property drainage for Live RV for transitional customers
If property has any connection to the public sewerage system.  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.01
Property drainage for Live RV for non-transitional customers
If property has any connection to the public sewerage system.  (£/£RV/Annum)  £0.01
Field troughs,drinking bowls and outside taps
Types of properties £/year
Crofts and registered small holdings £97.10
Other properties £148.97

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent Charges
Avilability Charge Units Cost
Ra £/m3 standard strength  £0.10
Va £/m3 standard strength  £0.07
Ba £/m3 standard strength  £0.26
Sa £/m3 standard strength  £0.23
Operational Charge Units Cost
Ro £/m3 standard strength  £0.17
Vo £/m3 standard strength  £0.11
Bo £/m3 standard strength  £0.15
So £/m3 standard strength  £0.09
Standard Strengths Units Cost
Os mg/litre 350
Ss mg/litre 250
Minimum charge £p.a. £205

Severn Trent Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Measured Water Supply charges
Supply Charges 0 - 4,999m3 5,000 - 9,999m3 Intermediate User - 10,000 - 49,999 m3 Large User - 50,000 m3 or greater
01 May -Sept 30 inclusive 01 May -Sept 30 inclusive 01 Oct - 30 Apr inclusive
Water supply Charge (£/m3) 1.5661 1.6398 1.0827 0.7064 0.9461
Additional Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) 63.31 £3,969.11 £24,038.47
 Measured Water Standing Charges  zones 1-8
  15mm 22mm 30mm 50mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm
Meter standing Charge (£/p.a.) £8.92 £8.92 £14.73 £39.53 £69.91 £79.66 £180.60 £228.50 £228.50 £231.73
 Measured Water Standing Charges  zones 9-10
  15mm 22mm 28mm 42mm 54mm 80mm 100mm 150mm 200mm
Meter standing Charge (£/p.a.) £35.21 £35.21 £82.04 £160.35 £321.76 £380.49 £500.24 £681.11 £812.51
 Measured Fixed Charges  
 Fixed Charges (£/p.a.)   0 - 500m3 >500m3  10,000 - 49,999m3  <250,000m3
Water £35.33 £35.33 £886.47 £3,240.74
Used Water (£/p.a.) £35.33 £35.33 £35.33 £35.33
Surface Water (£/p.a.) £5.25 £5.25 £5.25 £5.25
Measured Used Water Supply charges
Volume (m3) discharged directly or indirectly in to the public sewer Volume of Water Supplied (£/m3)
Base Tariff Intermediate Large
For the first 500 m3 1.0316 1.0371 0.99
From 500 m3 1.1222 1.0371 0.99
Volume discharged directly to our sewage treatment works 0.7539 n/a n/a
> 250,000 m3 0.9876 0.9876 0.9673
Volume discharged directly to our sewage treatment works 0.7875 0.7875 n/a
Site Area Surface Water Charges
 Chargeable area in m2 - all figures inclusive   Band   Charge (£/p.a.) 
Up to 20  1 8.64
21 - 99  2  47.23
100 - 199 3  94.69
200 - 299 4 157.84
300 - 499 5 252.66 
500 - 749 6  394.98
750 - 999 7  553.08
1,000 - 1,499 8  790.02
1,500 - 1,999 9  1105.6
2,000 - 3,999 10  1895.36
4,000 - 7,499 11  3711
7,500 - 9,999 12 5634.74
10,000 - 14,999 13  8038.38
15,000 - 19,999 14  11242.75 
20,000 - 24,999 15 14447
25,000 - 29,999 16 17651.34
30,000 - 34,999 17  20855.5
35,000 - 39,999 18  24061.74
40,000 - 44,999 19  27267.99
45,000 - 49,999 20  30474.43
50,000 - 99,999 21  48083.47
100,000 + 22  112139.74

Standby Tariff

Standby Tariff Volume & Capacity Charges
Total Volume supplied in m3 Standard Volume Charge (£/m3)  Standard Fixed Charge (£/p.a.)  Capacity volume charge (£/m3)  Capacity Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) 
01 May  - 30 Sept inclusive
0 - 4,999 tbc tbc tbc tbc
5,000 - 9,999 tbc tbc tbc tbc
10,000 - 49,999 tbc tbc tbc tbc
≥50,000 tbc tbc tbc tbc
Standby Tariff premium where the notified zero volume Charges
Total Volume supplied in m3 Capacity volume charge (£/m3)
01 May  - 30 Sept inclusive 01 Oct  - 30 Apr inclusive
0 - 4,999 tbc tbc
5,000 - 9,999 tbc tbc
10,000 - 49,999 tbc tbc
≥50,000 tbc tbc

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured water rate per pound of rateable value (£/£RV)
Charging Zone  Water Supply (£/£RV) Used and Surface Water (£/£RV) Used Water only (£/£RV)
1 1.177 1.1825 0.9131
2 1.0527 0.984 0.7697
3 1.0178 1.0411 0.809
4 1.0638 1.135 0.8785
5 1.2387 1.3379 1.0242
6 1.2931 1.294 0.9931
7 1.3027 1.2577 0.9666
8 1.0178 1.0326 0.8005
Fixed Charges  Water Supply (£/p.a.) Used Water only (£/p.a.) Surface Water only (£/p.a.) Highway Drainage only (£/p.a.)
Fixed Charge per property (£/p.a.) £40.14 £54.33 £24.78 £5.25



Assessed Charges

Assessed  Charges*
Charge type Water supply Used Water  Surface Water
£/m3 1.591 1.012 0
Fixed Charge £40.14 £29.55 £24.78

* plus site area surface water charges (refer measured section above)

Assessed Trade Effluent Charges
Assessed Trade Effluent  Sites supplied with 0 - 49,999 m3, Charge in £/m3 Sites supplied with 50,000 - 250,000 m3, Charge in £/m3 Sites supplied with > 250,000 m3, Charge in £/m3
Car Wash tbc tbc tbc
Laundrette tbc tbc tbc
Swimming pool backwash tbc tbc tbc
Paint Stripping tbc tbc tbc
Gas holder seal water tbc tbc tbc

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent Charges 0 - 5Ml of water supplied 
Charging Element Volume discharged  Charge £/kg
Up to 9,999m3 10,000 - 49,999m3 50,000 - 249,999m3
R (Reception & conveyance in the public foul water sewer)  (£/m3) 0.2677 0.2576 0.2042 N/A
V ( Volumetric treatment)  (£/m3) 0.2615 N/A
B (Biological treatment)  (£/kg) N/A 0.4504
S (Treatment & disposal of primary sludge from reception and treatment at a sewage treatment works) (£/kg) N/A 0.3732
Discharge to a public sewer under consent (£/m3) Not Given N/A
Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) 112.47 N/A


South East Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Standard Volumetric Charges for Water Supply (£/m3)
 Western Region (Monthly Read  Meters)   Eastern Region (Monthly Read Meters)   Western Region (6 monthly Read Meters)   Eastern Region (6 monthly read meters) 
1.4426 1.9008 1.5439 2.0342
Annual Standing Charge
Meter Size (mm) Monthly Read 6 Monthly Read
12/15mm £47.71 £47.71
20/22mm £62.99 £62.99
25/28mm £31.76 £31.76
30/32/35mm £48.63 £48.63
40/42mm £60.51 £60.51
50/54mm £75.01 £75.01
65mm £83.38 £83.38
75/80mm £103.38 £103.38
100mm £148.74 £148.74
125mm £216.44 £216.44
150mm £216.44 £216.44
300mm £262.45 £262.45
Block Tariff Volumetric Charge (£/m3), monthly read
Consumed Water p.a. Volumetric Charge (£/m3)
Western Region  Eastern Region 
0-10ML 1.5439 2.0342
10-150ML 1.4292 1.6381
150-250ML 1.2115 1.6034
250+ML 1.1947 1.5667
Super Economy Tariff Charges
Region m3/p.a. Fixed Charge £ Capacity Charge per 1000m3 £ Excess Usage (£/m3)
Western Region  Band A - 50,000 to 249,999  £6,882.56 £110,066.59 1.2553
Band B - 250,000 £18,890.86 £105,599.12 1.2047
Eastern Region  Band A - 50,000 to 249,999  £9,020.08 £145,266.40 1.6533
Band B - 250,000 £24,916.41 £139,326.00 1.5775

Unmeasured Charges

Standard Volume Charges for Water Supply (£/m3)
Region Sussex(Eastern region) West Kent (Eastern region) Mid Southern (Western region)
Standing Charge £ £41.42
Rateable Value Charges (Value charge per £ of rateable value) £1.76 £1.64 £1.06

Assessed Charges

Assessed Water Charges
Region East West
Standing charge £41.15 £41.15
Volumetric  £1.90 £1.44

South Staffordshire Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Severn Trent

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges - Up to 500m3 / annum
Size of meter (mm) Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £50.80 1.1023
50 £72.62
80 £170.37
100 £180.45
200 £213.84
>200 £2,976.96
Measured Water Charges - 500 to 50003 / annum
Size of meter (mm) Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
15mm £35.00 1.1319
20mm £56.82
25mm £154.57
35mm £164.65
40mm £198.04
50mm £2,961.16
Measured Water Charges - 5,000 to 49,9993 / annum
Size of meter (mm) Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
0 £85.00 1.1479
50 £106.82
80 £204.57
100 £214.65
200 £248.04
>200 £3,011.16
Measured Water Charges - 50,000+m3 / annum
Size of meter (mm) Water standing charge (£/pa) Water supply £ per cubic metre (m3)
Medium user plus tariff* (Optional) £2,257.51 1.0543

Surface Water Drainage Charges

* Some metered customers also pay for their surface water drainage charges, in addition to their water and sewerage charges. These charges are provided by Severn Water

Unmeasured Charges

South Staffs Water Supply Charge (£/RV) Minimum charge £50.13 0.707
Miscellaneous Water Charges
Standing Fixed Charge £/p.a.
Taps at allotments, lock-up garages, canal towpaths, etc £117.56
Places of worship £130.42
Cattle troughs £149.85
Large User Reservation Tariff - 100,000+m3 / annum
Peak monthly demand Summer reservation charge (April -September) Winter reservation charge (October -March)
0.3 £32,724.96 £21,815.66
0.4 £35,179.41 £23,453.92
0.5 £37,634.84 £25,089.23
0.6 £40,087.32 £26,726.51
0.7 £42,543.73 £28,360.85
0.8 £44,998.17 £29,997.16
0.9 £47,451.64 £31,635.40
1 £51,663.87 £34,443.57
Each additional 0.1  £4,306.31 £2,869.88
Large User Reservation Tariff Volumetric rate Standard (£/m3) Premium (£/m3)
Up to 350Ml £0.50 £1.39
Over 350Ml £0.48 £1.40

South West Water Retail Primary Charges

Customers only receive one service from South West Water, (ie water only or sewerage only)

Measured Charges

Measured Water Tariff Charges (excl. VAT) - Consumption up to 500m3
Meter fixed charge (Meter Size): 1st Meter Charge Subsequent Meter Charge VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm £50.85 £32.15 02-July
23mm to 28mm £66.92 £48.22
29mm to 42mm £81.19 £62.49
43mm to 65mm £131.04 £112.34
66mm to 80mm £142.84 £124.14
81mm to 100mm £154.65 £135.95
Above 100mm £166.60 £147.90
Volume Charge (£/m3) 1.9718
Measured Water Tariff Charges (excl. VAT) - Consumption 500 - 50000m3
Meter fixed charge (Meter Size): 1st Meter Charge Subsequent Meter Charge VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm £67.15 £32.15 02-July
23mm to 28mm £83.22 £48.22
29mm to 42mm £97.49 £62.49
43mm to 65mm £147.34 £112.34
66mm to 80mm £159.14 £124.14
81mm to 100mm £170.95 £135.95
Above 100mm £182.90 £147.90
Volume Charge (£/m3) 2.045

Standard User

Description of Charge Charge 2020/21 (£) excl. VAT
Measured Sewerage Tariff   1st Meter Subsequent Meter
Fixed Charged - Surface Water (£) up to and incl. 22mm  £71.67 £31.88
23 to 28mm  £78.85 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £85.87 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £107.40 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £114.43 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £121.61 £81.82
above 100mm £128.80 £89.01
Fixed Charge - No Surface Water (£) up to and incl. 22mm  £49.83 £31.88
23 to 28mm  £57.01 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £64.03 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £85.86 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £92.59 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £99.77 £81.82
above 100mm £106.96 £89.01
Volume Charge (£/m3) foul, surface & highway 3.4303
Volume Charge (£/m3) foul & highway 2.9162


Description of Charge Charge 2020/21 (£) excl. VAT
Measured Sewerage Tariff   1st Meter Subsequent Meter
Fixed Charged - Surface Water (£) up to and incl. 22mm  £88.13 £31.88
23 to 28mm  £95.31 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £102.33 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £123.86 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £130.89 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £138.07 £81.82
above 100mm £145.26 £89.01
Fixed Charge - No Surface Water (£) up to and incl. 22mm  £61.88 £31.88
23 to 28mm  £69.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £76.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £97.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £104.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £111.82 £81.82
above 100mm £119.01 £89.01
Volume Charge (£/m3) foul, surface & highway 3.65
Volume Charge (£/m3) foul & highway 3.1105

The following table contains the tariffs amd charges for Large User customers that only receive one service (i.e. water only or sewerage only) from South West Water.

Large Users (50 - 100 ML) that only receive 1 service (ie. Water only or sewerage only)

Description of Charge Charge 2020/21 (£) excl. VAT  
Measured Water Tariff
Meter fixed charge (Meter Size) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £50,331.88 £31.88 02 - July
23 to 28mm  £50,339.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £50,346.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £50,367.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £50,374.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £50,381.82 £81.82
above 100mm £50,389.01 £89.01
Volume Charge (per m3)  
Standard Volume Charge m3 tier 1 £3.03 02-July
Standard Volume Charge m3 tier 2 £2.76
Measured Sewerage Tariff
Fixed Charge Including Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £50,331.88 £31.88 02-July
23 to 28mm  £50,339.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £50,346.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £50,367.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £50,374.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £50,381.82 £81.82
above 100mm £50,389.01 £89.01
Fixed Charge Excluding Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £50331.88 £31.88 02-July
23 to 28mm  £50339.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £50346.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £50367.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £50374.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £50381.82 £81.82
above 100mm £50389.01 £89.01
Volume Charge (£/m3)  
Standard volume charge - foul, surface & highway 3.0263 02-July
Standard volume charge - foul & highway 3.0263
HS1 charge above 50,000 m3 (foul water) 2.764
HS2 charge above 100,000 m3 (foul water) 2.6412

Large Users (100 - 250 ML)

Description of Charge Charge 2020/21 (£) excl. VAT  
Measured Water Tariff
Meter fixed charge (Meter Size) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £432.15 £32.15 02 - July
23 to 28mm  £448.22 £48.22
29mm to 42mm £462.49 £62.49
43mm to 65mm £512.34 £112.34
66mm to 80mm £524.14 £124.14
81mm to 100mm £535.95 £135.95
Above 100mm £547.9 £147.90
Volume Charge (per m3)  
Standard Volume Charge up to 50,000 m3 1.4906 02- July
HW1 Volume Charge above 50,000 m3 1.103
HW2 Volume Charge above 100,000 m3 1.103
HW3 Volume Charge above 150,000 m3 0.8856
Measured Sewerage Tariff
Fixed Charge Including Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £50,481.88 £31.88 02- July
23 to 28mm  £50,489.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £50,496.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £50,517.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £50,524.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £50,531.82 £81.82
above 100mm £50,539.01 £89.01
Fixed Charge Excluding Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £481.88 £31.88 02- July
23 to 28mm  £489.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £496.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £517.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £524.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £531.82 £81.82
above 100mm £539.01 £89.01
Volume Charge (£/m3)  
Standard volume charge - foul, surface & highway 3.0263 02 - July
Standard volume charge - foul & highway 3.0263
HS1 charge above 50,000 m3 (foul water) 2.764
HS2 charge above 100,000 m3 (foul water) 2.6412

Large Users (250+ ML)

Description of Charge Charge 2020/21  (£) excl. VAT  
Measured Water Tariff
Meter fixed charge (Meter Size) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £432.15 £32.15 02 - July
23 to 28mm  £448.22 £48.22
29mm to 42mm £462.49 £62.49
43mm to 65mm £512.34 £112.34
66mm to 80mm £524.14 £124.14
81mm to 100mm £535.95 £135.95
above 100mm £547.90 £147.90
Volume Charge (per m3)  
Standard Volume Charge up to 50,000 m3 1.4906 02 - July
HW1 Volume Charge above 50,000 m3 1.103
HW2 Volume Charge above 100,000 m3 1.103
HW3 Volume Charge above 150,000 m3 0.8856
Measured Sewerage Tariff
Fixed Charge Including Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £50,481.88 £31.88 02 - July
23 to 28mm  £50,489.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £50,496.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £50,517.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £50,524.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £50,531.82 £81.82
above 100mm £50,539.01 £89.01
Fixed Charge Excluding Surface Water (£) 1st Meter Subsequent Meter VAT Class
up to and incl. 22mm  £481.88 £31.88 02 - July
23 to 28mm  £489.06 £39.06
29mm to 42mm £496.08 £46.08
43mm to 65mm £517.61 £67.61
66mm to 80mm £524.64 £74.64
81mm to 100mm £531.82 £81.82
above 100mm £539.01 £89.01
Volume Charge (£/m3)  
Standard volume charge - foul, surface & highway 3.0263 02 - July
Standard volume charge - foul & highway 3.0263
HS1 charge above 50,000 m3 (foul water) 2.764
HS2 charge above 100,000 m3 (foul water) 2.6412

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Tariff Charges (excl. VAT)
Description of Charge   VAT Class
(i) Property fixed charge:   02 - July
Lock-up garage £21.86
Standard unmetered properties and churches £159.53
Trough £446.43
Assessed Charge - per employee £65.86
Assesed fixed annual charge £14.73
Unmeasured Sewerage Tariff Charges (excl. VAT)
(i) Property fixed charge:   02 - July
Standard unmetered with surface water £183.64
Standard unmetered with no surface water £161.99
Highway drainage only £16.48
Surface Water Only Charge £16.48
Assessed Charge - per employee £109.05
Assesed fixed annual charge £16.48

Southern Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges
Charges Standard Tariff
Band 1:    0 - 999m3 Volume charge £/m3 1.4225
Fixed Charge per Premises £p.a. £47.60
Band 2:    >999 m3 Volume charge £/m3 1.4576
Fixed Charge per Premises £p.a. £184.97
Measured Water Charges Continued
Charges Large User Tariffs >4,999 m3 p.a.
Band 1
5,000 - 19,999m3
Band 2
20,000 - 99,999m3
Band 3
>99,999 m3
Large User Tariff, £ per site, p.a. £551.00 £2,084.00 £17,420.00
Volume Charge £/m3 1.3856 1.3089 1.1556
Measured Sewerage - applicable to both Standard and Large User Tariff
Meter size Surface Water Drainage £/p.meter p.a. Highway Drainage £ per premise p.a.
Up to 20mm £23.19 £11.61
25mm £92.75
40mm £185.50
50mm £231.88
80mm £463.76
100mm £602.89
150mm £1,530.41
Measured Sewerage Charges Continued
Charges Standard User Tariff Large User Tariff
Band 1
0 - 999 m3
Band 2
1,000 - 4,999 m3
Band 3
5,000 - 19,999 m3
Band 4
20,000 - 49,999 m3
Band 5
50,000 - 99,999 m3
>99,999 m3
Volume Charge £/m3 2.2071 2.202 2.1823 2.17 2.17 1.5444
Fixed Charge £p.a. £6.68 £22.88 £44.19 £289.49 £289.49 £3937.61
Large User Tariff fixed charge £p.a. n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 58912

Assessed Measured Charges

Assessed Measured Charges
Charges Assessed Water Assessed Waste
Volume Charge £/m3 1.2854 2.0674
Fixed Charge £/p.a. £25.00 £23.30
Highway drainage £p.a. n/a £11.61
Surface Water drainage £p.a. n/a £23.19

Umeasured Charges

Unmeasured Charges
Charges Unmeasured Water Unmeasured Waste
RV charge £/£RV 0.8911 1.2417
Fixed charge £p.a. £21.38 £12.97
Minimum Charge £/p.a. £64.12 £90.06
Supply to premises without RV £p.a. £64.12 £245.58
Highway drainage £p.a. n/a £11.61
Surface Water drainage £p.a. n/a £23.19

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent Charges
Component Charges Standard Tariff £/m3 Large User Tariff
Reception and Conveyance  -R £ 0.567 £51,200.00
Volumetric and Primary Treatment  -V £/m3 0.4797 0.4797
Volumetric and Primary Treatment (with Marine) -V £/m3 0.0721 0.0721
Biological Oxidation  - B £/m3 0.5449 0.5449
Sludge Treatment and Disposal S - £/m3 0.3626 0.3626
T/E Fixed Charges- Applicable to Standard and Large User Tariffs
Band Charge £p.a.
Band 1 (at discharge points without volumetric T/E charges)  
Band 1 £75.00
Band 2 £160.00
Band 3 £240.00
Band 4 £595.00
Band 5 £1,105.00
Band 6 £2,090.00
Band 7 £4,060.00

Miscellaneous Charges

Miscellaneous Charges
Water supply  £p.a.
Metered Swimming pools or less than 20m3 capacity no charge
Swimming pool 20 - 90m3 per year £79.24
Swimming pool  >90 m3 per year £79.24
Lock up garage  - single £p.a. £27.15
Lock up garage  - double £p.a. £27.15

SES Water Retail Primary Charges

* Water only company
* Waste water services are provided by Thames and Southern

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges by Area
Measured Water Annual Standing Charges Southern Area Northern Area 1 Northern Area 2
Standard (£/p.a.) 0-0.5ML £34.34 £34.34 £34.34
Standard (£/p.a.) 0.5-10ML £34.34 £34.34 £34.34
Mid User (£/p.a.) (10 - 49 Ml per site, per charging year) £1,620.00 £1,360.00 £1,360.00
High User (£/p.a.)  (>50 Ml per site, per charging year) £4,764.00 £3,792.00 £3,792.00
Measured Water Volume Charges Southern Area Northern Area 1 Northern Area 2
Standard (£/m3) 0-0.5ML 1.3558 1.0573 1.0573
Standard (£/m3) 0.5-10ML 1.4128 1.1018 1.1018
Mid User (£/m3) (10 - 49 Ml per site, per charging year) 1.1932 0.9334 0.9334
High User (£/m3) (>50 Ml per site, per charging year) 1.1396 0.889 0.889

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges by Area
Unmeasured Water Charges   Southern Area Northern Area 1 Northern Area 2
Annual Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £49.30  N/A  £49.30
Variable Charge (£/£ RV) 87.99  N/A  53.14
Commercial Licence fee (£/p.a)  N/A  £109.36  N/A 
Mixed Licence fee (£/p.a)  N/A  £312.77  N/A 
Unmeasured Water Miscellaneous Charges by Area
Levied for the period 01.04.20- 31.03.21 and unable to be apportioned on change of occupation of the premises during the year
Unmeasured Miscellaneous Charges Southern Area Northern Area 1 Northern Area 2
Religious Building, Caravan (unrated), Flushing chamber, Pumping Station, Standpipe (£/p.a.) £58.63 £58.63 £58.63
Field supply, Cleansing Supply (£/p.a.) £112.76 £112.76 £112.76

Assessed Charges

Assessed Water Charges by Area
This charge is levied and where a non-household customer has a rateable value of less than £2,000, and water use is limited to domestic (tea & toilet) requirements of the persons engaged on the premises.
Assessed Charges Southern Area Northern Area 1 Northern Area 2
Annual Standing Charge (£/p.a.) £42.16 £42.16 £42.16
Volume charge (£/m3) (Based on 15m3 p.a. per person, minimum charge 30m3 p.a.) 1.3854 1.0781 1.0781


Thames Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Measured Annual Standing Charges based on Meter size/supply pipe
Charge type 12/15mm 20/22mm 25/28mm 30/32/35mm 40/42mm 50/54mm 65mm 75/80mm 100mm 125mm 150mm 200mm 250mm 300mm
Water Standing Charge £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge - Full (£/p.a.) £46.12 £130.98 £250.41 £390.85 £561.68 £997.42 £1,561.92 £2,245.29 £3,992.54 £6,237.84 £8,982.51 £15,968.76 £24,949.87 £35,928.63
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge  - Abated (£/p.a.) £16.78 £56.89 £108.93 £169.77 £243.33 £432.93 £677.68 £974.81 £1,,733.11 £2,707.93 £3,899.16 £6,932.49 £10,831.66 £15,598.07
Measured Annual Consumption Based  Charges 
Charge type 0 – 500 m3  500 – 1,000 m3 1,000 – 5,000 m3  5,000 – 20,000 m3  20,000 – 50,000 m3  50,000 – 100,000 m3 100,000 – 250,000 m3  Over 250,000 m3
Water Annual consumption based Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £26.18 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Water Volume Charge (£/p.a.) 1.444 1.5201 1.5201 1.5201 1.3905 1.1399 1.1399 0.9119
Waste Water Annual consumption based Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £35.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Waste Water Volume Charge (£/p.a.) 0.9245 0.9886 0.9886 0.9886 0.9886 0.9886 0.7909 0.7909
Supplementary Measured Consumption Based Large User Annual Charges
Tariff Consumption (m3/p.a) Annual charge (£/p.a)
Intermediate Volume User - Water 20,000 - 50,000 £2,556.51
Large Volume User - Water 50,000 - 250,000 £14,949.17
Super Large Volume User - Water  Over 250,000 £71,310.12
Large Volume User - Wastewater  Over 100,000 £19,772.38

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Annual Standing Charges based on Meter size/supply pipe
Charge type 12/15mm 20/22mm 25/28mm 30/32/35mm 40/42mm 50/54mm 65mm 75/80mm 100mm
Water Annual Standing Charge  (£/p.a.) £42.38 £42.38 £18.47 £18.47 £18.47 £18.47 £18.47 £18.47 £18.47
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge  - Full (£/p.a.) £80.12 £164.45 £250.41 £390.50 £561.68 £997.42 £1,560.50 £2,245.29 £3,992.54
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge  - Abated (£/p.a.) £50.97 £90.83 £108.93 £169.77 £243.33 £432.93 £677.68 £974.81 £1,733.11
Unmeasured Charges Rate £ per £  of Rateable Value
Charging Area Local Authority Area's Water(£/£RV) Wastewater
1 Barnet £0.88 £0.60
East Hertfordshire
Epping Forest
Welwyn Hatfield
Brentwood N/A
Harlow N/A
Luton N/A
North Hertfordshire N/A
Stevenage N/A
Uttlesford N/A
2 Chiltern £0.90 £0.63
South Buckinghamshire
Harrow N/A
Hertsmere N/A
Hillingdon N/A
St. Albans N/A
South Bedfordshire N/A
Three Rivers N/A
Watford N/A
3 Kensington & Chelsea
London, City of
£0.68 £0.39
4 Barking & Dagenham £0.81 £0.57
Hammersmith & Fulham
Tower Hamlets
Waltham Forest
Havering N/A
5 Basingstoke & Deane £1.04 £0.74
Mole Valley
Reigate & Banstead
Windsor & Maidenhead
Bracknell N/A
Crawley N/A
East Hampshire N/A
Mid Sussex N/A
Runnymede N/A
Rushmoor N/A
Surrey Heath N/A
Winchester N/A
Woking N/A
6 Bexley 0.9025 0.6132
Epsom & Ewell
Tonbridge & Maling N/A
7 Aylesbury Vale 1.2398 0.8619
North Wiltshire
South Oxfordshire
Vale of White Horse
West Oxfordshire
Daventry N/A
South Northamptonshire N/A
Stratford N/A
Tewkesbury N/A

Assessed Charges

Assessed Annual Standing Charges based on Meter size/supply pipe
Charge type 12/15mm 20/22mm 25/28mm 30/32/35mm 40/42mm 50/54mm 65mm 75/80mm 100mm
Water £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge  - Full (£/p.a.) £46.12 £130.98 £250.41 £390.85 £561.68 £997.42 £1,561.92 £2,245.29 £3,992.54
Waste Water Annual Standing Charge  - Abated (£/p.a.) £16.78 £56.89 £108.93 £169.77 £243.33 £432.93 £677.68 £974.81 £1,733.11
Assessed Annual Consumption Based  Charges 
Charge type 0 – 500 m3  500 – 1,000 m3 1,000 – 5,000 m3  5,000 – 20,000 m3  20,000 – 50,000 m3  50,000 – 100,000 m3 100,000 – 250,000 m3  Over 250,000 m3
Water Annual consumption based Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £26.18 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 By inspection By inspection By inspection By inspection
Water Volume Charge (£/m3) 1.4453 1.5242 1.5242 1.5242 By inspection By inspection By inspection By inspection
Waste Water Annual consumption based Fixed Charge (£/p.a.) £35.50 £0.00 £0.00 £0.00 By inspection By inspection By inspection By inspection
Waste Water Volume Charge (£/m3) 0.9245 0.9886 0.9886 0.9886 By inspection By inspection By inspection By inspection
Assessed Waste Water cont.
Business Assessed Bands - Volumes (m3) per year
Banding Assessed usage per FT employee (or equivalent)
1 15 m3 per year
2 50 m3 per year
3 100 m3 per year
4 200 m3 per year
5 By inspection
Seasonal and other non-household charges
Seasonal and other non household charges Annual Charge
Allotment Tank and water/wash down point £52.02 per supply
Sprinkler, cricket pitches, tennis courts, ornamental pond/fountain and disced supplies £110.70 per supply
Minimum charge for meter minimum equivalents £391.86 per supply
Water fixed charge per garage, car space or store £35.62
Wastewater fixed charge per garage, car space or store £40.80

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade effluent volume charge per cubic metre or KG of trade effluent
Description Volume (m3 per year) Standard Charges p/m3 Large User charges
Reception and conveyance (R) 0 - 500 0.5126 n/a
Reception and conveyance (R) 500 - 1,000  0.1645 n/a
Reception and conveyance (R) 1,000 - 5,000 0.1645 n/a
Reception and conveyance (R) 5,000 - 20,000 0.1645 n/a
Reception and conveyance (R) 20,000 - 50,000 n/a 0.1337 p/m3
Reception and conveyance (R) 50,000 - 250,000 n/a 0.1337 p/m3
Reception and conveyance (R) >250,000 n/a 0.1337 p/m3
Primary Treatment (V)   0.1803 0.1543 p/m3
Biological Treatment (B)   0.5194 0.4444 p/kg
Solids Treatment (S)   0.6585 0.5634 p/kg
Average strength factors used in trade effluent fomula
Mogden formula element Element symbol Average Strength
Chemical oxygen demand -Os 445mg/l
Settleable solids -Ss 336mg/l
Trade Effluent Fixed Charges
Discharge volume Fixed charge Minimum charge
0 - 500 n/a £147.45
500 - 1,000 n/a n/a
1,000 - 5,000 n/a n/a
5,000 - 20,000 n/a n/a
20,000 - 50,000 n/a n/a
50,000 - 250,000 n/a n/a
>250,000 n/a n/a
Standard Strength Discharges (mg/l)
Standard Strength premises Value for Ot Value for St
Launderettes 576 58
Car Washes 88 62
Dry Cleaners 30 7
Commercial swimming pools 120 108
Small / micro-brewery 1730 88
Concrete contaminated sites (batching plants, wheel washes on construction sites) 116 58
Laboratory glassware washing 308 34
Bus wash 621 92
Train wash 594 71
Contaminated surface water at waste transfer sites 638 81
Gasholder runoff 20 11
Other trade effluent charges Charge
Minimum charge per annum or duration of consent, whichever is the shorter £147.45
Ammoniacal nitrogen treatment charge oer mg in excess of the 35mg/l expressed as a fraction of 35 0.0298 p/m3
Sundry Charges
Building supplies  Charge
New supplies Metered
Alterations to exisiting properties with contract sum over £ 100,000 (where no new supplies needed) 0.17% of contract value
Minimum charge for non-metered supplies £154.38 per year
Cattle troughs Charge
Per unmeasured cattle trough £180.27 per year

United Utilities Water Retail Primary Charges

All charges below exclude VAT.

Measured Charges

Measured Water Supply
Band (m3) Standing Charge (excl. VAT) (£) Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for the 1st 0-500m3 p.a. Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for 500-5,000m3 p.a. Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for consumptio over >5,000m3 p.a. Fixed charge
12/15mm  31.14 1.7448 1.8694 1.7715 22.5
20/22mm  32.72
25/28/30/32/35mm  38.26
40/42mm 51.23
50/54/75/80mm  81.44
100mm/150mm+  114.06
Animal troughs  44.57 

Select 50 tariff is beneficial for those who use between 50,000-180,000m3 of potable water/annum at one site. There are three parts to this:

  Select 50 (50,000-180,000m3
per annum)
Select 180 (180,000-750,000m3
per annum)
Select 750 (750,000-3,000,000m3
per annum)
Select Plus (over 3,000,000m3
per annum)
Annual fixed charge/site (in addition to the normal meter standing charges) (excl. VAT) 18550 60310 122560
Plus volumetric Charge - £/m3 (excl. VAT) 1.4095 1.1775 1.0945 1.0945
Plus volumetric Charge - £/m3 (excl. VAT) >3,000,000 m3 p.a.       0.406
Non-potable water (where available) 0.2303
Measured Sewerage Charges - Foul Drainage
Base Tariff fixed charge 30
Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for the 1st ≤500m3 p.a. 1.2154
Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for the 1st ≤5,000m3 p.a. 1.3111
Volumetric Charge (£/m3) for volumes >5,000m3 p.a. 1.2451
Swimming pool effluent (m3) 1.1413
Charge for direct discharge to a wastewater treatment works (£/m3) 0.8536
Select sewerage tariff (£/m3) 1.1596
Surface Water drainage and Highway drainage charges
Charges for measured premises
Site area charging band Chargeable area (m2) Surface Water drainage only charge (£/p.a) Highway drainage only charge (£/p.a)
Band 1 Up to 124 £100.67 £46.61
Band 2 125 - 299 £250.05 £115.75
Band 3 300 - 649 £557.28 £257.94
Band 4 650 - 1.499 £1,260.89 £583.64
Band 5 1,500 - 2,999 £2,637.33 £1,220.75
Band 6 3,000 - 6,999 £5,981.83 £2,714.11
Band 7 7,000 - 11,999 £11,364.79 £5,156.47
Band 8 12,000 - 17,999 £17,176.96 £7,442.61
Band 9 18,000 - 24,999 £24,620.54 £10,667.86
Band 10 25,000 - 49,999 £42,943.22 £18,606.88
Band 11 50,000 - 74,999 £71,572.42 £31,133.16
Band 12 75,000 - 99,999 £100,201.6 £43,586.52
Band 13 100,000 - 124,999 £128,830.79 £56,039.86
Band 14 125,000 - 149,999 £157,460.00 £68,493.23
Band 15 > 150,000 £186,089.74 £80,946.81
Schools Concessionary scheme surface water and highway drainage charges
Site area charging band Chargeable area (m2) Surface Water drainage only charge (£/p.a) Highway drainage only charge (£/p.a)
Band 1 Up to 124 £100.67 £46.61
Band 2 125 - 299 £125.03 £57.12
Band 3 300 - 649 £278.65 £127.31
Band 4 650 - 1.499 £630.44 £288.07
Band 5 1,500 - 2,999 £1,331.95 £602.51
Band 6 3,000 - 6,999 £2,990.91 £1,339.57
Band 7 7,000 - 11,999 £5,682.41 £2,545.01
Band 8 12,000 - 17,999 £8,588.48 £3,721.30
Band 9 18,000 - 24,999 £12,310.28 £5,333.93
Band 10 25,000 - 49,999 £21,471.62 £9,339.90
Band 11 50,000 - 74,999 £35,786.21 £15,566.59
Band 12 75,000 - 99,999 £50,100.80 £21,793.25
Band 13 100,000 - 124,999 £64,415.39 £28,019.93
Band 14 125,000 - 149,999 £78,730.00 £34,246.61
Band 15 > 150,000 £93,044.88 £40,473.41

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Standing Charge (£/p.a) Volumetric Charge (£/CV)
£82.07 0.65
Unmeasured Sewerage Charges
Charge type Foul Drainage (£/CV) Surface Water Drainage (£/CV) Highway Drainage (£/CV)
All Services 0.5251 0.2541 0.2459
No Surface Water Drainage  0.5251 Nil 0.2459
Surface water drainage and highway drainage only Nil 0.2541 0.2459

Assessed Charges

Assessed Charges for Water & Sewerage Services
Type of Premises Water  Sewerage (excl. surface water drainage & highway drainage) Total
Up to 15mm (£/p.a) tbc tbc tbc
>15mm but ≤ 22mm (£/p.a) tbc tbc tbc

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent standard unit charges per m3 for effluent of average strength
Mogden formula elements Volume  Charge (£/m3) (standard charge) Volume Charge (£/m3) (for annual discharges above 50 megalitres)
R = Reception & Conveyance 0.3926 0.3091
V = Preliminary & primary treatment 0.2056 0.1891
B1 = Biological treatment (capital element) 0.0596 0.0548
B2 = Biological oxidation (based on Chemical Oxygen Demand of 350mg/litre) 0.1643 0.1512
S = Sludge treatment & disposal (based on Suspended Solids of 230mg/litre) 0.2039 0.1875
Minimum charge £294.81
An additional charge occurs when discharges are not received at a treatment works, where we incur additional costs to the R factor charging formula element above (£/m3) TBC
Trade Effluent Reservation charges m3/day 
Mogden formula elements Reservation charge (£/m3/day) Volume charge (£/m3)
R = Reception and conveyance tbc 0.3709
V = Preliminary and primary treatment tbc 0.1943
B1 = Biological treatment (capital element) tbc 0.0563
B2 = Biological oxidation (based on chemical oxygen demand of 350mg/l) tbc 0.1553
S = Sludge treatment and disposal (based on suspended solids of 230mg/l) tbc 0.1926
Mogden formula elements - annual discharges >50,000m3 Reservation charge (£/m3/day) Volume charge (£/m3)
R = Reception and conveyance tbc 0.3092
V = Preliminary and primary treatment tbc 0.1891
B1 = Biological treatment (capital element) tbc 0.0548
B2 = Biological oxidation (based on chemical oxygen demand of 350mg/l) tbc 0.1512
S = Sludge treatment and disposal (based on suspended solids of 230mg/l) tbc 0.1875

Wessex Water Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Measured Water Charges - non interuptible supply 
Band 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Charge Type 0 - 500 m3 p.a. 500 - 4,999 m3 p.a. 5,000 - 24,999 m3 p.a. 25,000 - 49,999 m3 p.a.  50,000 - 99,999 m3 p.a. 100,000 - 161,999 m3 p.a. 162,000 - 249,999 m3 p.a. 250,000 - 341,999 m3 p.a. 342,000 - 499,999 m3 p.a. ≥500,000 m3 p.a.
Meter Charge < 25mm (£/p.a.) £30.00 £36.00 £76.00              
Meter Charge > 25mm (£/p.a.) £73.43 £78.00 £118.00              
Site based Charge       £595.00 £1,761.00 £1,761.00 £1,761.00 £1,761.00 £1,761.00 £1,761.00
Discount for 2 services supplied per meter (£ per annum) -7 -12 -31  
Discount for 2 services supplied per site (£ per annum)   -232 -745 -745 -745 -745 -745 -745
Volume Charging bands  m3 p.a. 0 - 500 m3 p.a. 500 - 4,999 m3 p.a. 5,000 - 24,999 m3 p.a. 25,000 - 49,999 m3 p.a.  50,000 - 99,999 m3 p.a. 100,000 - 161,999 m3 p.a. 162,000 - 249,999 m3 p.a. 250,000 - 341,999 m3 p.a. 342,000 - 499,999 m3 p.a. ≥500,000 m3 p.a.
≤20,000 (£/m3) £2.07 £2.10 £2.09 £2.08 £2.08 £2.08 £2.08 £2.07 £2.07 £2.07
> 20,000 - ≤100,000 (£/m3)     £2.09 £1.72 £1.71 £1.71
> 100,000 - ≤150,000 (£/m3             £1.24 £1.23
>150,000 (£/m3)             £1.01 £1.01

Where the customer chooses an interruptible supply, the above metered based charges apply save for those that are varied as per the managed demand tariffs as follows:

Measured Water Charges - interuptible supply
Charge Type 0 - 500 m3 p.a. 500 - 4,999 m3 p.a. 5,000 - 24,999 m3 p.a. 25,000 - 49,999 m3 p.a.  50,000 - 99,999 m3 p.a. ≥100,000  m3 p.a.
Meter Charge < 25mm (£/p.a.)     175.81      
Meter Charge > 25mm (£/p.a.)     219.25      
Site based Charge       846 2,006 2,006
Discount for 2 services supplied per meter (£ per annum)   -31  
Discount for 2 services supplied per site (£ per annum)   -745 -745 -
Volume Charging bands  m3 p.a. 0 - 500 m3 p.a. 500 - 4,999 m3 p.a. 5,000 - 24,999 m3 p.a. 25,000 - 49,999 m3 p.a.  50,000 - 99,999 m3 p.a. ≥100,000  m3 p.a.
≤20,000 (£/m3)     1.9431 1.9599 1.9558 1.9529
> 20,000  (£/m3)     1.5951 1.6161 1.6119 1.6091


Metered Sewerage charges
Customer discharging (m3 p.a.) of sewerage 0 - 500m3 p.a. 500 - 4,999 m3 p.a. 5,000 - 24,999 m3 p.a. 25,000 - 49,999 m3 p.a. 50,000 - 99,999 m3 p.a. 100,000 - 249,999 m3 p.a. ≥250,000 m3 p.a.
Charge / water meter point (£ p.a.) £19.36 £27 £75        
Site based charge (£ p.a.)    £475 £1,515 £1,515 £1,515
Discount for 2 services supplied per meter (£ p.a.) -£6 -£12 -£35        
Discount for 2 services supplied per site (£ p.a.)       -£239 -£766 -£766 -£766
Volume Charge (£/m3) 1.6507 1.6851 1.6696 1.6596 1.6541 1.6512 1.6475
Measured Sewage Charges 
Charge type Full (£/p.a.) Inc Surfac Water Rebate (£/p.a.)
Drainage Charges based on meter size (mm) where water use is ≤20,000 m3
<25mm £42.00 £21.00
≤25 < 30mm £214.00 £107.00
≤30 < 40mm £350.00 £175.00
≤40 < 50mm £480.00 £240.00
≤50 < 65mm £880.00 £440.00
≤65 < 80mm £1,280.00 £640.00
≤80 < 100mm £2,250.00 £1,125.00
≤100 < 125mm £3,900.00 £1,950.00
≤125 < 150mm £5,300.00 £2,650.00
≤150< 200mm £8,000.00 £4,000.00
≥200mm £10,600.00 £5,300.00
Drainage Charges where water use is >20,000 m3 or waste is charged on the basis of strength Full (£/p.a.) Inc Surfac Water Rebate (£/p.a.)
Use between 20,000 and 162,000 m3 £2,650 £1,325
Use between 162,000 and 342,000 m3 £6,650 £3,325
Use > 342,000 m3 £10,600 £5,300
Where waste is charged on basis of strength £5,300 £2,650

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Water Charges
Fixed Charges £ p.a.
Standing Charge (£) £21.34
Sprinker Fee £118.75
Special Category £81.21
Discount where 2 services supplied* -£3.50
* Discount for 2 services applies where the premises is billed for sewerage and water serices by Bristol Wessex Billing Services Limited
Volume Charges £/£RV
Rateable value charge 1.8202
Assessed Charges £ p.a.
Band 1 £139.62
Band 2 £215.11
Band 3 £271.99
Band 4 £310.25
Band 5 £366.09
Band 6 £409.52
Band 7 £449.86
Band 8 £489.15
Unmeasured Sewage Charges
Fixed Charges £ p.a.
Standing Charge (£) £17.12
Surface Water Drainage only £35.41
Discount where 2 services supplied* -£5.00
* Discount for 2 services applies where the premises is billed for sewerage and water serices by Bristol Wessex Billing Services Limited
Volume Charges £/£RV
Rateable value charge 1.3947
Rateable value charge ( Thames) 1.3947
Rateable value charge inc Surface drainage rebate 1.2683
Assessed Charges £ p.a.
Band 1 £137.38
Band 2 £195.36
Band 3 £228.49
Band 4 £265.76
Band 5 £302.00
Band 6 £335.13
Band 7 £373.43
Band 8 £397.25

Trade Effluent Charges

Trade Effluent Charges
Band 1 2 3 5 6 7 8
Customer discharging (m3 p.a.) of trade effluent 0 - 500 500 - 4,999 5,000 - 24,999 25,000 - 49,999 50,000 - 99,999 100,000 - 249,999 ≥250,000
Fixed Charge (£ p.a.) £15.00 £21.00 £82.00 £441 £1,495.00
Measured service charge (£/p.a.) £338.18 £302.00 £302.00 £427.00 £604.00
R (reception & conveyance) ≤80 ml  total waste discharge (£/m3) £0.69 £0.73 £0.72 £0.72 £0.71 £0.71 £0.70
R (reception & conveyance) >80 ml  total waste discharge (£/m3) n/a £0.32 £0.32 £0.31
V (Primary treatment) (£/m3) £0.28
B (Secondry treatment charge) ≤80 ml  total waste (£/m3) £0.40
B (Secondry treatment charge) >80 ml  total waste (£/m3) n/a £0.34
S (Sludge Treatment and disposal) (£/m3) £0.21
Reservation Water Tariff
Tariff Option Reserved Capacity m3/day Reservation Charge £/m3/day Measured Service Charge £/p.a. Capacity Usage Charge £/m3 Above Capacity  Charge £/m3
1 >55m3/day £241.97 £2,006 1.2907 1.7157
2 >137m3/day £222.20 1.1856 1.7085
3 >444m3/day £163.62 0.8704 1.2317
4 >937m3/day £134.83 0.7123 1.0124

Minimum Charge £358.00
B Charges are stated at the assumed standard strenght of 802 mg/l
S Charges are stated at the assumed standard strenght of 313 mg/l

Yorkshire Retail Primary Charges

Measured Charges

Non-Household Retail Charges (Excluding York Waterworks)
Band (m3) <500m3 p.a. 500m3 - 50,000m3 p.a. 50,001 - 250,000 m3 p.a. >250,000 m3 p.a.
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is ≤50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 1.4305 1.4614
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is >50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 1.4632 0.9037 0.7587
Standing Charge (£) £27.70 £27.70 £45.33 £45.33
Measured Non-Household Sewerage Charges (excluding York Waterworks)
Band (m3) <500m3 p.a. 500m3 - 50,000m3 p.a. 50,001 - 250,000 m3 p.a. >250,000 m3 p.a.
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is ≤50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 1.7401 1.7094
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is >50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 1.7942 1.4471 1.2987
Standing Charge (£) £33.48 £33.48 £48.17 £48.17
Surface Water Charges
Band  Surface Area in (m2) Charge (£)
A 0 -500 £45.07
B 501 - 700 £105.46
C 701 - 1,000 £158.19
D 1,001 - 2,000 £210.92
E 2,001 - 15,000 £421.85
F 15,001 - 35,000 £3,163.85
G 35,001 - 150,000 £7,382.31
H >150000 £31,638.47
Trade Effluent Non-Household Retail Charges 
Band (m3) <5,000 m3 5,000 - 50,000 m3 50,001 - 250,000 m3  >250,000 m3 
Reception & Conveyance (£/m3) for users whose total annual consumption is ≤50,000m3 p.a. (£/m3) £0.53 £0.53 Nil
for users whose total annual consumption is >50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) £0.52 £0.30 £0.20
Standard Charge (£/m3 p.a.) £27.74 £27.74 £23.21 £23.21
Charges (£/m3 p.a.)
V* -Preliminary  0.5153
Bv -Biological treatment    0.4682
S* -Sludge treatment* 0.3127
Minimum charge (annual) £507.41
Os  -  Biological strength of combined sewerage (COD) 840mg/litre
SS -  Sludge strength of combined sewerage (StS)   335mg/litre

V* The Preliminary Treatment has been amended to letter V, previously P

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Non-Household Retail Charges (excluding York Waterworks)
Charges Standing Charge Rateable Value Charge £/RV) Minimum Charge (£)
Water Supply Charges £61.64 1.5652 £68.22
Sewerage Charges £21.34 1.888 £79.36

Assessed Charges

Assessed Non-Household Water Charges (Excluding York Waterworks)
Charges Property Size Volume £ per annum
Water Supply Small 145m3 £240.54
Medium 255m3 £402.00
Large 550m3 £835.00
Extra Large 1,000m3 £1,495.52
Sewage Small 145m3 £265.97
Medium 255m3 £453.32
Large 550m3 £997.97
Extra Large 1,000m3 £1,798.15

Retail Primary Charges - York Waterworks Region

* The following charges are subject to the addition of any VAT chargeable.

Measured Charges

Measured Water Supply Non-Household Wholesale Charges (York Waterworks)
Band (m3) <5000m3 p.a. 500m3 - 50,000m3 p.a. 50,001 - 250,000 m3 p.a. >250,000 m3 p.a.
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is ≤50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 0.8077 0.8088
Volumetric Charge for users whose total annual consumption is >50,000 m3 p.a. (£/m3) 0.8029 0.6935 0.6906
Standing Charge (£) £27.70 £27.70 £45.33 £45.33

Unmeasured Charges

Unmeasured Non-Household Water Supply Charges (York Waterworks)
Service Standing Charge (£/p.a.) Rateable value charge (£/R.V.) Minimum Charge (£)
Unmeasured Water £42.05 0.9045 £47.20

Assessed Charges

Assessed Non-Household Charges
Property Size Volume £ per annum Fixed Charge Low Consumption
Small 145m3 £149.14 £47.20
Medium 255m3 £241.27
Large 550m3 £488.35
Extra Large 1,000m3 £865.24